Maltipoo Puppy Hub

Puppies Sold and  Testimonials 

Hey! Just wanted to touch base. Brodie went to Dr Cox this morning. He said they were really healthy and that you had done a great job! Brodie weighs 2.9. He is doing great. Eating well, going potty on his pad and going potty outside during day. Vet said since he shivers so bad at night to not force it until they gain another pound. Return visit for shots in next Monday. Mike, I think he is happy! Thanks for everything!
UpDated: February 7, 2020
Hey Mike, Coco is doing great! No we haven't tried putting a bed in her crate/kennel. I put her blanket in there with some towels..but the few times I tried that she carried on soo bad and the last time, she tried to bite the metal door and I think she got her little nose caught up in the handle of the door and I had to let him out.. She went kinda She is really growing and is a little less hyper..just a little. Thanks so much for the advice! Take care.
UpDated: 07-18-2023
Dear Mike It has been 1 week since we brought Cookie home and he is so precious. Even our vet commented on how good natured and well adjusted he is. We are thoroughly enjoying him and thank you for being such a great breeder. Why Cookie even knew his name when he came to us thanks to you! If any of my friends are looking for the perfect pet, you are the one whom we will recommend highly. We have also attached a picture. Thank you again and keep up the great work.
Cindy Stanton
Mike! Cosmo did well last night! He woke up about 2 am and cried for about 30 minutes (and tried to chew his way out of his play pen!) but then went back to sleep until 6am. We are very proud of him! He’s eating great and using the bathroom outside, too! We just got back from the vet and they gave him a clean bill of health. He is adjusting wonderfully, eating well, running around, playing, and he slept through the night last night. We love the pictures of Gracie and are so excited for these bundles of joy you brought into our lives.
Mary Varga
Updated 08-29-2023
Hi Mike, Latte is doing great! He had his first appointment at our vet’s office on Monday. The vet said that he is very healthy and has obviously been well cared for. He weighs 2.6 pounds now. Everyone at the vet’s office said he was the cutest puppy they had ever seen. Boomer seems to have adjusted well to his new home. He is so energetic and loves to play with the kids. When he tires himself out, he loves to cuddle with us on the couch. The kids are so in love with him. He is the perfect addition to our family. Thank you so much for our Boomer. Here are a few pictures of him. We’ll be sure to send more soon.
The Altenburg family
Hi, Thought you'd like to see Lou (formerly Flynn) at 12 weeks. We simply adore him! He is so much fun, very bold yet very loving. We could not possibly be happier with our little guy! Thank you for this wonderful puppy. Merry Christmas.
Cathy Cockman
UpDated 12-12-2020
Hello, Mike, Here's our sweet Emmy on her first birthday today. I meant to tell you when I sent Emmy's picture that she held steady at 8.3 lbs for the past couple of months . . . and that he's been ringing the bell to go potty since he was 3 1/2 months old. He caught on in about 3 hours one afternoon. We were amazed! He's a sweet boy.
Chase Lake City, Fl
We took our puppy, Luna, to the vet this morning. Everything looked great and the vet was appreciative of, and impressed with, the vet records. She weighs 3 lbs. Luna was basically house trained when we brought her home and the accidents she has had were really our fault. Nights are going well and already being crate-trained, I believe, has a lot to do with that. There is only a few minutes of whining and then only a whimper when she has to go out. She is very affectionate and has fit into the family perfectly. She follows the kids around and whines when they are not in the room with her :-). We could not be happier. Thank you.
Shirel Basset
Hello Puppy Hub... Sorry it has taken so long to catch you up on Ella. I have attached a recent picture of her and her sister. We absolutely adore her! She has more energy then all of us put together. She is healthy and happy! Will keep you up to date. Just wanted to say thank you again!
Thelma F.
UpDated 10-11-2018
Hello Mr.Mike, I took Tapsa to the his first Vet appoint on Friday everything went well, he is perfect. The Vet checked him head to paw and as is good. he was also impressed with his temperament, his weight is now 3.1 lbs, Stool test was negative for parasites. He was given an additional deworming medication and has a follow-up appointments scheduled for scheduled vaccinations. The vet said we were very lucky to have such a sweet dog. He is so lovable and full of energy and we is very compatible with our Labradors just as you said. Thanks again for you outstanding care and service
Jasper Kaln
UpDated 10-16-2018
Hello, Here are some photos of Gracie at a little over a year old. I have such a “Girl Crush” on that puppy, is ridiculous :). She really is incredible. Not only is she beautiful, but she has the best temperament of any dog I have ever had. And don’t get me wrong, she’s got plenty of spunk but she just seems to take everything in stride. Thank you for letting us have her in our lives. We just love her so much. Warm regards, Patti Klaus
Patti Klaus
Hi, Mr. Mike I just want to touch base with you regarding our boy puppy from Luna and Clifford’s litter (09/28/20). We have named him Family Affair’s The Yorktown General “Patton”. His call name is Patton, and he will be 4-months old already next week. At his last vet check-up, he was 3.2 lbs. We take him in for his final round of puppy vaccines on the 30th, so I could easily see him weigh maybe a little over 9-pounds. He is sure growing up happy and healthy! Thank you for the great record-keeping of our pup's health and vaccine history. It helps us remember when, exactly, things happened from the time of his birth (vaccinations, nail trims, antibiotic info., grooming, etc.). He is a smart little puppy and has learned many basic commands and tricks already. I noticed on your website that you have a section for “Testimonials,” and was wondering if this is the most updated information. Thank you, again, for your time, and for providing us with such a sweetheart of a puppy. Kindest regards,
Christine Giddens
Mike- Please read the email I sent some of my girlfriends in NY about Zoe. 🙂 I took Zoe to the vet on Monday (sorry I haven't written already). She seems A- Ok. She started on her shots (some Monday, some more in 2 weeks). She didn't even cry when they gave her a vaccine. Zoe's eyes did peel open when they put the thermometer in her butt (which was the cutest thing to see!) - but she was super well behaved. After that first night of howling/crying for 8 hours straight, she slept better (two photos attached of her falling asleep mid day). I've been getting up every 3 to 4 hours at night to let her out to poop/pee. I am happy to send TONS of photos (I can even text some if you'd like? from my phone?). Hope all is well,
Lucia & Alex
Kaia's vet appointment is this Monday afternoon, but I wanted to send a photo update on her. She has been an absolute angel and incredibly smart! In just one week she has learned her name, "No," "Come" and how to play fetch and return the ball to me (my mom says Kaia is a puppy genius for learning all this at only 8-9 weeks old). She loves all her toys, especially her bunny and lamb stuffed animals, and has been doing great with house training. The biggest issue we have that we are currently working on is not eating her poop, which I have read is normal for puppies and we are following advice from puppy blogs to correct the habit. My parents and brother, who make Kaia and I spend hours on video chat to see her every day, and my roommate and I are so in love with Kaia and incredibly grateful to you for bringing her into the world and our lives. I'll send the vet report on Monday, as soon as we are finished. I'm extremely confident she is in great health and one happy little girl.
Kristin & Kaia Coleman
Mike, Our first Maltipoo had recently gone to heaven and we really felt the void. We decided we wanted another poodle and after extensive research, my husband found your website and he immediately contacted you. My husband spoke to Mr. Fred and he told us that Sparkles – mom and dad Sterling just had a litter of “black ” puppies on 10/29/16 and since we only live about 2 1/2 hours from you we took a trip. The two-week-old puppies were all cuddled together in their own immaculate little house along with their mom watching over them. We were very impressed with the facilities and felt we had found the right place. We had to wait until they were nine weeks old before we could make our choice, so seven weeks later we took another trip and picked her out. We picked up Kaylee and brought her home. She will turn 2 years old in a few weeks and after each grooming, she turns more and more silver. She is very, very smart, an excellent watchdog, wonderful personality, and is being trained as my husband’s service dog. My husband and I often say that if we had a dollar for every person that stops us to say how beautiful she is, we would be very rich right now. We stay in touch with James and are thrilled for him and his wife for the arrival of their sweet baby boy. We highly recommend.
Lauren R. Ortiz
Hello, First of all, let me introduce myself. I am 38 years old and my husband is 41 and an attorney. The reason I am writing this is to let anyone that is looking for a wonderful poodle know if you are reading this, you have found the place! We are getting our second little girl Thursday, April 7th and we could not be more excited! We bought our first Toy Maltipoo a year ago. Her name is Sophie and she is the love of my life. Now she is getting a little sister! Sophie is not our first Spuppy, but our first from here. I have had four over the past 10 years. They are just naturally wonderful dogs, however, not all toys are created equally! I thought that I had the BEST and then we found this wonderful family that has the best maltipoos I have ever had. Their coats are so thick and beautiful, I kind of feel sorry for the 8-year-old black male that we thought was the best ever! He and Sophie are great friends, but Sophie needs someone more her age to play with, thus little sister! Our dogs are our children. We have two daughters, but when the day is done it is wonderful to just be with our dogs. You are making a huge decision getting a Maltipoo because I have always said they are as smart as most 6-year-olds. They will be loyal to a fault and give you all the love you are looking for in a pet. And you have found the best breeder around. God bless and enjoy your new family member.
Yvonne Johnson